To set up Outlook Express 5 for Macintosh, follow these steps:
- Open Outlook Express 5 and click Tools, then Accounts.
- Click the New icon on the top left.
- Select IMAP from the Account Type drop-down list.
- Click OK.
- Type a name in the Account Name field that identifies the account for you.
- Type your name as you want your email recipients to see it.
- Type your email address, such as . (where username is the login name assigned to you, and is the domain name of your Internet Service Provider)
- Type your account ID, which is the first part of your email address. If your address is, for example, your account ID would be username.
- Type the server name, which is smtp.yourISP.domain-type, such as (where is the domain name of your Internet Service Provider)
- Click OK.
- Close the Accounts window.
- In the Outlook Express 5 window, click on the account you named in step 8.
- Type your password.
- Click OK. Your email downloads from the server.
- Click on the inbox.
- Click on a message to display it in the current window, or double-click it to display the message in a different window.