
The Pages option allows you to add pages to your web site. Pages can be arranged as top level pages and second level pages, so understanding how the site will be structured beforehand is suggested.

Standard Pages
and Special Pages
The Standard Pages and Special Pages options allow the customization of pages that will be contained on the web site. The components of the Standard Pages will vary depending upon the type of site that is created. Once you have clicked on the Pages option you will be able to add or remove pages from your web site.

Adding a Page
You will have a list of available pages to choose from under Standard and Special pages that can be added to your web site and can later be renamed. To add a page check the pages you would like added to your site and click on the arrow button pointing to the right. That will add the selected pages to your site.

Deleting Pages
To remove unwanted pages put a check in the box beside the page you would like removed under Your site structure on the right side of the screen, then click on the arrow button pointing left to remove those pages.

Page Position
To organize your site use the Page position option on the right of the screen. To change the position of any page that has been added to the Site Structure area, place a check beside the page to be moved, and click the Up, Down, Left or Right button depending on where the page will be located on the site. To preview the site after selecting the page positioning options, click the Preview option in the lower right of the screen. There will be a prompt to apply the changes made prior to previewing the web site.

After all components of the Pages area have been selected and customized, click the Next option in the lower right side of the screen to proceed to the Edit area.

Site Regional and Language Options
The Site Regional and Language Options area provides the options for Interface Language and Standards and Formats. The available language options depend upon the type of EZSite account you have. The Standards and Formats option provides the default formatting options for displaying numbers, currency, time, and date on the site.




Standard Pages

Special Pages

Adding a Page

Deleting Pages

Page Position

Site Regional and
Lanuage Options

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