
The Design option allows template selection for the web site. To create your design click on the Design step. To select your template chose a category from the drop down list on the left. Click on the template you would like to use for your web site To see what the template will look like in your browser click on the Preview option located at the bottom right of your screen.

You will be able to edit your templates by changing the color schemes, banner, logo and site information. You will also be able to upload your own custom banners and logos. If you do not have custom images available for banners and logos, the Buy Pictures option may be used to obtain stock images from Fotolia.

Color Schemes
To edit the color schemes you will need to choose your template for your web site Once you have your template you will have three color schemes to chose from on the right. To preview the template with the selected color scheme click on the Preview option on the bottom right of the screen.

To change the banner click on the arrow beside the banner displayed in the Banners area The list of available banners will be displayed. To select, click on a banner you would like to use.

You can also upload your own custom banners. To do this create your banner and save it on your computer. Click the Browse option and locate the file being used. Click the Upload option after the file is selected. Note: Customized banners are created by the user. To preview the template with the selected banner, click on the Preview option on the bottom right of the screen.

  • Custom Banners - After picking a design from the template you must publish the site in order to see the measurements of the banner used. Once it is published, move your cursor over the banner and right-click on the banner area and click /Properties/. The window will show you width and length in pixel size. Use this measurement to create a new banner.Once the new banner is created, go back into the EZsite and Click /Design /on the top menu bar. On the right side you can upload the newly created banner. Simply click /Browse /to locate your banner. Once the banner is chosen click /Upload/, when it finishes uploading you can then choose the newly added banner. To finalize you can click /Next /and then click /Log Out /located at the top right hand corner.

    NOTE: All templates do not allow custom banners. Click here to preview the list of templates that do allow customization.

Menu Styles
For menu style selection, click on the type of button you would like to use. Each menu style will vary depending on the template you have chosen. To preview the template with the selected menu style, click on the Preview option in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Logos are matched with templates, and like the banners, these can be customized. Create your logo and save it to your computer. Click on the browse option and locate the file being used. Click the Upload option after the file is selected. Note: Customized logos are created by the user. To preview the template with the selected logo, click on the Preview option on the bottom right of the screen.

Site Info
The Site Info area allows customization of the Site Title, Sub-title, and Footer Message information on the web site. Enter the Site Title, Sub-title, and Footer Message as it you want it to be displayed on the web site. To preview the template with the Site Info information you created, click on the Preview option in the lower right of the screen.

After all components of the Design area have been selected and customized, click the Next option in the lower right of the screen to proceed to the Pages area.








Color Schemes


Menu Styles


Site Info


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